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weighted average index中文是什么意思

用"weighted average index"造句"weighted average index"怎么读"weighted average index" in a sentence


  • 加权平均指数


  • The customer satisfaction index is a weight average index , it based on the enterprise customer satisfaction index utilize the econometrics model to compute the trade customer satisfaction index , compute the industry customer satisfaction index by the trade customer satisfaction index , and then compute the country customer satisfaction index by the industry customer satisfaction index
    顾客满意度指数csi ( customersatisfactionindex )是一种加权平均数指数,它是在企业顾客满意度指数基础上利用计量经济学模型计算出行业顾客满意度指数,再用行业顾客满意度指数计算出产业顾客满意度指数,由产业顾客满意度指数计算出全国顾客满意度指数。
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